The Society of Mediators
218 Strand, London, WC2R 1AT
DX 232 London Chancery Lane
0207 353 3936
Eleanor Tack
Eleanor trained with the Society of Mediators in 2018 and has since become a Trustee of the Society, assisting the faculty with our training courses.
Eleanor’s background is in immigration, having spent over three years working closely with migrants across the UK, France and South Africa. Eleanor builds on experience working with clients from across the world, focusing on the human side of disputes and taking much of her inspiration from Marshal Rosenberg’s theory of Non-Violent Communication.
Her professional experience is largely academic, working as a research assistant at the International Centre for The Study of Radicalisation and the Urban Violence Research Network. The latter involved exploring the role of mediation as a means to address gang violence, with a particular focus on Freetown, Sierra Leone and Cape Town, South Africa.
Eleanor has also spent time representing Xhosa communities on the Wild Coast during mediations with local authorities whilst working with Attorneys in Johannesburg.
Eleanor has a keen interest in reframing imposter syndrome, failure and workplace identity. She sits on the Executive Committee of Bridging the Bar, a charity which seeks to diversify the legal profession and has been collaborating with the Bar Council, Bar Standards Board and UK Supreme Court on developing training and reverse mentoring schemes to address these psychological barriers.
Eleanor holds a first class bachelor of arts in International Relations from King’s College London and is obtaining the Post-Graduate Diploma in Law from BPP.
Eleanor is open to instructions in relation to any type of dispute, but is particularly keen to assist individuals who cannot afford to enter the Court process and for whom mediation is the last resort.