Volunteer Policies and Procedures
Please find below policies and procedures of The Society of Mediators. These are supportive documents designed to help our volunteers carry out their roles and codify the values which the Society of Mediators promotes.
Conflicts of Interest
Health and Safety
Difficult Situations
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
Volunteer Policy
This document provides clarity for volunteers and employees who work with volunteers on expectations for behaviour, communications, expenses, confidentiality and health and safety whilst volunteering for the Society of Mediators. This is a core document that lays out our key expectations for all volunteers and anyone working with or supporting volunteers. It covers all elements of volunteer activities and is intended to support a positive environment for all volunteers. ‘Volunteer’ here refers to our Trustees, Volunteer Mediators, Volunteer Trainers and Volunteer Educators (including those manning our exhibition stands).
Link to Volunteer Policy
Conflicts of Interest
It is important for any charity to understand where conflicts might exist, both with volunteers and employees, and to ensure nobody takes advantage of their role within the Society of Mediators. The Conflict of Interest Policy identifies exactly what constitutes a conflict and provides guidance on how they should be handled.
Once a conflict has been identified volunteers should complete the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form and send that to chair@societyofmediators.com. Registered conflicts will be kept on file for the duration of a volunteer’s tenure with the Society and may be referred to if necessary.
Link to Conflict of Interest Policy
Link to Volunteer Complaints Procedure
Health and Safety
The health and safety of all our volunteers is paramount. The policy below outlines how volunteers can stay safe in their roles and should be used whenever committees are meeting in a new place, for every new event or at any time it is deemed of value.
Link to Health and Safety Policy
Difficult Situations
Unfortunately, occasionally things do go wrong. The processes below are what might be needed at these times. Should a volunteer decide that they do need to raise a formal complaint they should contact the Chair of the Society. The Volunteer Complaints Procedure explains the process they will take and what they can expect.
Link to Volunteer Complaints Procedure
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
The Society of Mediators values diversity and equality. By respecting and using diversity and equality it can maximise its impact through meeting individual needs and staying in touch with the changing societies in which it works
The Society of Mediators aims to ensure that all individuals have equal access to mediation training and mediation services, irrespective of age, sex, gender identity, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, social background or, sexual orientation.
The Society of Mediators will ensure that Trustees and the Society of Mediators staff adopt, develop, take ownership of and implement our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy.
Our equality policy is supported by our codes of conduct. The Society of Mediators recruitment and selection procedures are fair, transparent and meet the appropriate legal requirements. The Society of Mediators is also proud to provide training to individuals who may otherwise not have the financial capacity to learn the skills of mediation.